The contract cleaners administration program
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CONTROL is designed to handle large numbers of employees, with many changes of people and wages, and with the customer contract being the most important element. Multiple payrolls are a standard feature; for example you can have different payrolls for your office cleaning staff, window cleaners, office staff, and all at different payment frequencies. CONTROL is not a modification of standard payroll requirements it has been designed for the Contract Cleaner.
CONTROL Key Points
• All employees working at the same contract appear on one screen for wage amendments completed. This means you will never forget to cancel a temporary wage change again.
• Because in many companies there will be an Area Manager or mobile Supervisor responsible for servicing the contract and administering the wages, contracts can be assigned to a manager and payroll amendments entered for just one manager. In the multi-user (network) version, many operators can be entering wage amendments at the same time. CONTROL is truly multi-user; implementing record locking, not just file locking procedures.
• Search for employee name, payroll number, part of the address, bank account number, or any aspect of an employee record!
• Employees can work on almost 1000 contracts at the same time, having their gross wages calculated correctly and then have their costs shown, including employers NI, against the contract for which the adjustment was entered.
• The Contract Cleaning industry is a business which requires careful monitoring of costs, so CONTROL not only ensures full tracking of historical information, allowing comparisons of costs to be made over a period of time, thus highlighting problem sites and problem managers, but gives a report of wages to be spent before the payroll has been calculated so management know precisely which contracts will be over budget and which under budget, and by how much. Indeed the operator is aware whilst entering payroll amendments of the final result for the site, and also has the ability to view the resultant tax calculation for each employee.
• What about after the payroll? With employees constantly changing, keeping up with statutory requirements can be a nightmare so CONTROL automatically produces P45's for all leavers at the press of a button. Inland Revenue earnings enquiries can be printed instantly, for one or any combination of staff and tax code changes, which generally happen at each Budget, can be implemented automatically.
• Employees can be paid by any method, including BACS, computer printed cheque, Autopay, etc. All Statutory payments are covered, as are Tax Credits, Attachments of Earnings, CSA deductions, etc.
• Output files may be generated to post information to other accounts packages, if necessary, and to use as mail merge data in Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.
• Tracking staff holidays is another nightmare that CONTROL will relieve. Holidays can be defined in any way and the system will keep full information on what holidays have been taken, what are allowed and indeed which are booked for the future, so that you can easily organise holiday cover.
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