The contract cleaners administration program
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Proper Purchase Ledger management and Supplier payment is essential and this is facilitated in CONTROL in a straight forward manner.
• Records can be maintained for any number of suppliers and will show at anytime the amount due, aged in any way you like.
• Optional time period/ frequency for paying customers days.
• Generation of payment file for BACS.
• Detailed remittance advice.
• Full purchase daybook is maintained, to assist with VAT returns if you have not purchased the Nominal ledger (which prepares the VAT return automatically).
• All purchase invoices can be held, and will not be paid until you release them, so that if you are awaiting full delivery of goods or have some other reason to delay payment, you can do so without compromising the accurate production of management accounts.
• Purchases may be directly allocated to the site or contract to enable improved Site management and costs control.
• Data can be exported to Microsoft Word or Excel.
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